I love the sims
I love the sims

See where I’m going with this? Doesn’t this sound just a little like the Sims? Characters fall for one another and eventually want to partake in, erm, ‘woohoo’. These characters have conversations – conversations sometimes so meandering and inarticulate they may as well be in another language. So, simply, there’s a house with loads of almost artificially attractive people, completely separated from the outside world. They pair up, couples are eliminated by the public, and at the end, the couple that looks most in love, or appeals most to the audience, wins a ton of cash. Love Island is a reality show in which attractive people, supposedly in search of romance (and a few extra thousand Instagram followers), are shipped off to an island to whine about being ‘genuine’ and ‘loyal’ in between bouts of sex filmed on sterile night vision cameras. Non-British readers may be wondering what I’m on about.

i love the sims

It’s like being on holiday with a group of mates where drama happens constantly, but you merely look on, uninvolved, sipping a piña colada. Perhaps it’s the drama, the suspense, or the way you’re removed from it all so none of it really matters. Yes, it’s terrible and completely brain-numbing, but there’s just something about it that I enjoy.

i love the sims

I have a love-hate relationship with Love Island.

I love the sims